Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Programming Performance Point Services 2010 – Create a new Standard KPI

This Post is a Part of Programming PeformancePoint 2010 Series.

public IKPI CreateNewDefaultKPI(string listURL,string kpiName,string description,LocationManagement.Location displayFolder)


            Kpi newKpi = Kpi.CreateNew();

            newKpi.Name.Text = kpiName ;

            newKpi.Description.Text = description;

            // Set the DisplayFolder

            if (displayFolder != null)


                newKpi.Folder = displayFolder.Path;



            // Fixed value actual

            newKpi.Actual.DataSourceLocation = new RepositoryLocation(Constants.FixedValuesDataSourceLocationKey);

            newKpi.Actual.ModelCurrent = 80;    // this sets the value for the actual


            // Fixed value target

            Target target1 = new Target();

            target1.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            target1.Name.Text = "Target";

            target1.DataSourceLocation = newKpi.Actual.DataSourceLocation;

            target1.ModelCurrent = 100; // this sets the value for the target

            target1.IndicatorLocation =


            target1.Pattern = KpiPattern.IncreasingIsBetter;

            target1.RelatedActualId = newKpi.Actual.Guid;

            // set up the banding; 3 bands:  < .5; .5 - 1.0; > 1.0

            target1.Banding.ActualWorst = 0;

            target1.Banding.Type = BandType.Normalized;

            target1.Banding.SpreadMaximum = 1.2M;

            target1.Banding.SpreadMinimum = 0;




            newKpi = PPSWebService.GetInstance().WebService.CreateKpi(listURL, newKpi);

            return new KPI(newKpi);



Part of the Question I always get is how can I create a new Performance Point KPI, The Above function will help you through it.

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